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Never Let Those AC Repairs Linger at the End of the Year


Serving the Van Nuys Area Since 1990

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air-conditioner-unit-being-repairedWow, it’s finally cooled down here in Southern California. There was a week there in October when the temperatures were rising above 100°F. We hope your air conditioner was able to keep your home cooled down during this rough pre-Halloween heat wave—and if you did have troubles, we hoped you contacted us to have them fixed.

If you’ve noticed that your AC was having some problems during the recent heat, but it continued to run, you still need to have the system looked at to see what needs to be fixed. Don’t hesitate to schedule air conditioning repair in Van Nuys, CA or elsewhere in our service area at the end of the year. There are some good reasons why you never want these problems to linger over to the next calendar year, even though you don’t think there will be another heat wave coming up in November and December.

First: Who really knows what the weather might throw at us?

Okay, meteorologists might know, but they can never be 100% certain. November and December can have hot days that go up into the 90s. That’s just part of life down here in Southern California. We may have some rain and nights in the 50s, but the heat can come back at any time. You want to make sure the AC in your house will come on to be able to deal with it, so please don’t let a malfunction that might derail your air conditioner linger on after you know about it.

Second: Running a malfunctioning AC can lower its life expectancy

Whenever you operate an air conditioner that has a problem life an overheating motor or a tight compressor, the AC will age faster and pick up more wear and tear. This lowers how long the air conditioner will last. You don’t want to need to replace your air conditioner years before its time: that’s one of the most expensive jobs an HVAC system may require.

Third: The longer a repair is delayed, the more it may cost in the future

It’s a basic truism when it comes to mechanical system repairs: the sooner you move on getting one repaired, the less it will cost. Allowing a problem to linger on increases the chance of the problem getting worse when the system is running, and the problem spreading to other systems. The chain reaction from one malfunction can mean multiple, more expensive repairs.

Fourth: A repaired air conditioner runs at better energy efficiency

The same strain mentioned above that reduces the lifespan of the air conditioner will also cause the system to drain more energy. You’ll end up spending more to run your air conditioning system all the way until spring when you schedule regular AC maintenance—if the air conditioner even manages to make it that far and you don’t have to call for emergency repairs.

Remember, if you do have an air conditioning emergency of any kind, we’re here to handle it.

Kilowatt Heating, Air Conditioning and Electrical serves Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley. Call our EPA certified technicians 24/7 for exceptional customer service!

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Tags: Air Conditioning Maintenance, Air Conditioning Repair, Van Nuys
Monday, November 6th, 2017 at 11:00 am | Categories: Air Conditioning |

November 2017 Employee of the Month

We LOVE Hiring Veterans

Never Let Those AC Repairs Linger at the End of the Year

air-conditioner-unit-being-repairedWow, it’s finally cooled down here in Southern California. There was a week there in October when the temperatures were rising above 100°F. We hope your air conditioner was able to keep your home cooled down during this rough pre-Halloween heat wave—and if you did have troubles, we hoped you contacted us to have them fixed.

If you’ve noticed that your AC was having some problems during the recent heat, but it continued to run, you still need to have the system looked at to see what needs to be fixed. Don’t hesitate to schedule air conditioning repair in Van Nuys, CA or elsewhere in our service area at the end of the year. There are some good reasons why you never want these problems to linger over to the next calendar year, even though you don’t think there will be another heat wave coming up in November and December.

First: Who really knows what the weather might throw at us?

Okay, meteorologists might know, but they can never be 100% certain. November and December can have hot days that go up into the 90s. That’s just part of life down here in Southern California. We may have some rain and nights in the 50s, but the heat can come back at any time. You want to make sure the AC in your house will come on to be able to deal with it, so please don’t let a malfunction that might derail your air conditioner linger on after you know about it.

Second: Running a malfunctioning AC can lower its life expectancy

Whenever you operate an air conditioner that has a problem life an overheating motor or a tight compressor, the AC will age faster and pick up more wear and tear. This lowers how long the air conditioner will last. You don’t want to need to replace your air conditioner years before its time: that’s one of the most expensive jobs an HVAC system may require.

Third: The longer a repair is delayed, the more it may cost in the future

It’s a basic truism when it comes to mechanical system repairs: the sooner you move on getting one repaired, the less it will cost. Allowing a problem to linger on increases the chance of the problem getting worse when the system is running, and the problem spreading to other systems. The chain reaction from one malfunction can mean multiple, more expensive repairs.

Fourth: A repaired air conditioner runs at better energy efficiency

The same strain mentioned above that reduces the lifespan of the air conditioner will also cause the system to drain more energy. You’ll end up spending more to run your air conditioning system all the way until spring when you schedule regular AC maintenance—if the air conditioner even manages to make it that far and you don’t have to call for emergency repairs.

Remember, if you do have an air conditioning emergency of any kind, we’re here to handle it.

Kilowatt Heating, Air Conditioning and Electrical serves Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley. Call our EPA certified technicians 24/7 for exceptional customer service!

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Tags: Air Conditioning Maintenance, Air Conditioning Repair, Van Nuys
Monday, November 6th, 2017 at 11:00 am | Categories: Air Conditioning |

November 2017 Employee of the Month

We LOVE Hiring Veterans

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